2009 Grant Recipients

DoJiggy Giving supports the following organizations:

$1000 DoJiggy Giving Grants

Roots of Development

Roots of Development

Roots of Development is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that helps impoverished communities in Haiti obtain the resources they need to sustainably manage their own development. The organization strives to promote an alternative, grassroots, community-driven approach to rural development.

The funds will be used towards much needed home construction and clean water access projects.

Rocky Mountain Sustainable Living Association

Rocky Mountain Sustainable Living Association

The mission of the Rocky Mountain Sustainable Living Association (RMSLA) is to educate people and communities in the Rocky Mountain region to make healthy, sustainable choices.

The funds will be used towards their Workshop Series. The series has three topic areas: the Abundant Backyard Series, the Wise Kitchen Series, and the Building and Energy Series. RMSLA will offer 30 workshops in 2010.

Buen Pastor

Buen Pastor

Located in Guanajuato, Mexico, Buen Pastor is part of a worldwide organization, Sisters of the Good Shepherd. The mission of Buen Pastor (translated The Good Shepherd) is to educate girls and to help women find a way out of domestic violence. Buen Pastor shelters disadvantaged women and girls and provides them with psychological and legal counseling.

The funds will be used to nourish a fledgling computer lab and library. The women can use the computers to finish their schooling requirements. Educational, typing, and driving software will be installed for the girls.

Additional money will be used to purchase needles and Chinese herbs, used by a volunteer acupuncturist to treat the women and girls.

$500 DoJiggy Giving Grants

'I Have a Dream' Foundation of Boulder County

‘I Have a Dream’ Foundation of Boulder County

The mission of the “I Have a Dream” Foundation of Boulder County is to motivate and empower children from low-income communities to reach their education and career goals by providing a long-term intervention program of mentoring, tutoring, and cultural enrichment. Upon graduation from high school, each Dreamer is eligible to receive a four-year tuition-assistance scholarship for college or vocational school.

The funding will help “I Have a Dream” strengthen the community and address vital needs of the population, through after-school intervention programs for low-income students.

Pro Bono Law of BC

Pro Bono Law of BC

The mission of Pro Bono Law of BC is to advance access to justice by developing and facilitating opportunities for the effective provision of high-quality pro bono legal services to people and non-profit organizations of limited means throughout British Columbia, and to support potential and existing pro bono legal service providers in British Columbia.

This grant will support The Civil Chambers Pro Bono Duty Counsel Project. This is a pilot project whereby volunteer lawyers from several large Vancouver law firms provide pro bono legal assistance and representation to unrepresented low- and modest-income litigants appearing in civil chambers.

The Metrowest Interfaith Hospitality Network of Massachusetts

The Metrowest Interfaith Hospitality Network of Massachusetts

The Metrowest Interfaith Hospitality Network of Massachusetts (MIHN) was established in response to the rise in homeless families in Massachusetts. Organized in 2004, with the mission “as a cooperative interfaith partnership, we offer hope to homeless families with children through safe transitional shelter, meals and supportive case management as they seek permanent housing”.

Funding will help us supply guests with clothing such as winter coats, boots and hats and other supplies such as baby items (e.g., baby food, formula, diapers), personal items, and other needs that arise while our guests are with us.



cityWILD is a bold effort to bring the typically exclusive world of outdoor experiential education to a broad non-traditional audience: low-income youth of color. For the past ten years, cityWILD has been providing tuition-free, comprehensive experiential education programs for urban youth (10-18 years old) in northeast Denver.

Funding will support cityWILD’s tuition-free Leadership Development Program for urban youth.