2014 Grant Recipients

DoJiggy Giving supports the following organizations:

$1000 DoJiggy Giving Grants



RosaLuz is a charity organization founded in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. Our mission is to improve the lives of underprivileged and at-risk youth world-wide. This means reaching kids in our local communities as well as abroad. The $1000 DoJiggy grant will go toward a youth mentorship pilot project that will launch in 2015 for at-risk middle school youth in the Charleston County area. This program will have three major components: 1) Mentorship Training for Mentors 2) Youth Relationship Building and Teamwork, and 3) Youth Education. Our program will incorporate sports, dance, and art to create relationships with the youth while providing education by trained mentors on relevant issues faced by youth today such as bullying, peer-pressure and self-esteem, among others. In addition, meals will be provided to the youth as part of the program.

Mary's Place by the Sea

Mary’s Place by the Sea

Mary’s Place is a respite home for women who are receiving treatment for cancer. We provide services that complement their medical treatment, including oncological massages and nutritional counseling. Mary’s Place provides our guests with a place for rest and support during this challenging time in their lives, empowering them with knowledge that will aid them on their road to healing. The $1,000 grant from DoJiggy would cover the cost for four women to have one overnight stay here at Mary’s Place. Organizations like DoJiggy help us to maintain our mission of providing a place for women with cancer to heal – mind, body and soul.



At Free2Luv, our daily mission is to empower and uplift youth because when we raise confident, empowered children, we minimize bullying and teen suicide. With the $1000 DoJiggy grant, Free2Luv will continue to grow the We Care program, a program we have created that gifts empowerment packages (including inspirational wristbands) to children being bullied and/or going through a difficult time. Through this program, we reach out to children in need and offer them a community where they can be supported, so that no young person is left feeling alone, unwanted, or less than perfect just the way they are. We also invite them to join our Youth Advocacy program where they have an opportunity to let their voices be heard and be an inspiration to other youth suffering from similar experiences.

Civic Support

Civic Support

According to the Chronicle of Philanthropy, 100,000 nonprofits will have to close their doors in the next two years. This is largely because they lack the administrative capacity for running a business and making their cause known. It is Civic Support’s goal to provide outreach and strategic business development to nonprofits including; graphic design, social media marketing, website development, content creation, budget planning, and grant partnering. Typically such services have a high price tag, but we are able to keep things cost effective by hiring college interns and allying ourselves with professionals who are willing to donate their time. Through this system we not only ensure that nonprofits are getting the help they need, but local students and professionals are simultaneously building their resumes. The $1000 DoJiggy grant will allow us to amplify our student internship program, and continue to provide them with an office space to work.

Northwest London Resource Centre

Northwest London Resource Centre

The Northwest London Resource Centre (NWLRC) is a neighborhood-based, non-profit organization that champions community development through empowering young people and building connections between youth and their community. The $1000 grant will go towards creating a new community space that would house a multi-purpose training room, certified community kitchen, satellite touch-down offices for local agencies as well as act as the headquarters for the centre. This new space will also provide the NWLRC with programming space, improved privacy for people who access our Emergency Food Cupboard, increased storage and a deeper level of autonomy for the centre. DoJiggy’s grant will help us offer 3 new programs and 2 new services to the community, reaching an estimated 132 new participants (youth and families), not to mention the 30+ youth jobs we’ll be able to create, the 8 community events we’ll be able to hold and the 500+ households we’ll be able to feed through our emergency services in our new space.