Partner Account Management

Partner Dashboard

DoJiggy partners who work closely with their clients can access their current, free trial, and expired client accounts through an online control panel, the Partner Dashboard. Partners can log in, view, order, and renew their client accounts here. Your Partner Dashboard is accessed from: The Partner Dashboard is not available for Sales affiliates, only for partners who order for their clients. 

Account Management

Partner Ordering Procedures

Partners will receive a discount on all purchases made for clients. To place an order, simply access the store and use your partner code in the shopping cart. If you don’t have your partner code, please contact sales.

Affiliate Partners

The affiliate program allows individuals and businesses to resell our services and make a commission on each sale. Sales affiliates will have access to an online affiliate management area. Here affiliates can manage the following functions:

  • Generate affiliate links
  • Review affiliate statistics
  • See affiliate referrals and payouts
  • Find affiliate buttons