Fun Run Crowdfunding Software and Events

Our Fun Run crowdfunding software provides charities and nonprofits with a donor-friendly website to raise money online.

  • FREE Individual and Team Fundraising Pages
  • FREE Custom Website Branding
  • FREE Gamification Elements (Countdown, Thermometer, Chatter, Livestream)
  • FREE Customer Success and Technical Support
  • FREE PRICING with Optional Donor Tips
Crowdfunding Software for P2P events

Fun Run Crowdfunding Events

Organizing the details of a Fun Run is easy when powered by our software for p2p crowdfunding events. Our websites include event registration and personal fundraising pages for your Fun Run participants. Team fundraising pages are also included, and hosting teams and team awards helps to generate more excitement for your crowdfunding event. Using our state-of-the-art platform, you’ll create a fully responsive fundraising website that works well on all devices, taking your fundraising campaign to the next level.

What Exactly is a Fun Run?

A Fun Run is a non-competitive running event to celebrate and raise funds for a charitable cause. Participants can typically run, jog, walk or roll in these fundraising events designed to have fun first and raise funds for schools or nonprofit organizations. A Fun Run is a great choice to bring your community together, raise awareness for your organization, provide healthy entertainment, as well as raising money for your cause with p2p crowdfunding. Fun Runs are often 5Ks, but can be of any length, especially for kid’s runs.

Organizing your Charity Fun Run

Your school or organization can join in one of the biggest sensations in fundraising today by hosting a Fun Run. The success of your Fun Run hinges on the recruitment and action of a strong leadership team. Ideally, your team should be comprised of individuals with diverse skills and talents that share a common interest in the organization’s success and have time to dedicate to the task at hand. In addition, working smart at this stage of the game requires delegation.

School Fundraising with color runs

Here are the basic steps and considerations in getting your Fun Run started on the road to success:

  • Create your Fun Run planning committee of people dedicated to the event and organization’s mission
  • Committee members choose the best time of year and pick a date and theme for the crowdfunding event
  • Create your Fun Run fundraising website
  • Recruit runners, volunteers, and sponsors 
  • Import your runners (for schools), or ask them to register online to create their personal Fun Run fundraising pages
  • Solicit size for free t-shirt or other runner incentives, upon registration 
  • Participants ask supporters to donate or pledge in support of their efforts
  • Participation and fundraising progress is tracked throughout the event with our crowdfunding software
  • Leaderboards are posted with top fundraisers and teams to motivate Fun Run participants
  • Registration reporting makes race day check-in easy
  • Administrators wrap up the event by calculating pledges and off-line donations

DoJiggy is the leader in free Fun Run and walk-a-thon fundraiser resources for organizing a successful run. Download our free white paper on Organizing a Walk-a-thon for a detailed report.

Adding a Fun Run Theme

Add an extra dose of fun by adding a theme to the Fun Run. Fun Runs are creative races; customizing the fundraiser for your organization’s needs is important. Many organizations add a Color Run component, quirky costumes for participants, or a creative Fun Run theme for an even more exciting crowdfunding event.

Adding a Fun Run Theme

Creating a Fun Run Website

Fun Run Crowdfunding websitesOur fundraising software makes planning and managing a Fun Run simple and effective. Our platform is designed for crowdfunding events in which supporters collect donations for your school or nonprofit organization. Our flexible crowdfunding software is capable of working with donations as well as per unit of effort pledges based on the amount of time or distance participants run, walk, trot or roll. You’ll be able to easily customize your Fun Run website to meet your organization or school’s needs, and your participants will learn and have fun as they personalize their web pages.

Our Fun Run crowdfund platform has the following powerful features:

  • Easy race registration with or without entry fee or participant import (works great for School Fun Runs)
  • Personal and team fundraising pages with social media links, fundraising thermometers, user images, and videos
  • Customization tools for fundraisers
  • Leaderboards, thermometers, and gamification tools to drive competition and help your organization raise more money
  • Prize management system to offer incentives to your runners
  • Sponsorship promotion and sponsorship sales
  • Product sales (t-shirts and related event items)
  • Accept flat-rate donations and/or pledges based on the amount of time or distance participants run

Our Donor-Friendly Crowdfunding Platform Makes Planning and Managing Fun Runs Simple and Effective

DoJiggy's fundraising software solutions

Benefits of Fun Run Crowdfunding Events

And in case you still aren’t convinced that a Fun Run is right for your school or organization, see this list of unmatched benefits in hosting a Fun Run. A crowdfunding race or walk is an excellent fundraiser for schools and organizations as they:

  • Are a healthy fundraiser in support of exerciseHow to Organize a Fun Run
  • Encourage the enjoyment of the outdoors and nature
  • Are a low cost, easy-to-organize event
  • Don’t require product sales – no junk food for the kids!
  • Promote happiness and fun!
  • And are a great way to raise lots of money for your school or nonprofit organization