Sorority Fundraising Ideas to Raise More

Sorority Fundraising

Sorority fundraising is a commonplace activity for sororities on college campuses across the country. Sorority sisters must cover the costs of membership dues, branded clothing, group photos, social events and parties, and financial expenses during the pledging process. All of these things and more cost money and fundraising is an excellent way to help raise dollars to cover these expenses.

Sorority fundraising is not only a great way to raise funds for your sorority, but it’s also a great way to help young women learn organizational and leadership skills, make long-lasting friendships and gain experience serving their community. Members of sororities consist of young women who often have exceptional skills in entrepreneurship, academics, and community service. Find ways to help your community by bringing the strong qualities of your members to the forefront in your fundraising efforts. 


The Best Sorority Fundraising Ideas

Here are some great fundraising ideas to get your sorority started raising funds. 

Yoga or Health and Fitness Workshops

Sorority Fundraising with yogaWomen are often conscious of their well-being, both inside and out. Yet, college can be a challenging transition for young women as they go out on their own. They no longer have the guidance of parents or close high school friends and teachers. Why not offer fundraising activities that strengthen the mind and body?

Consider having your sorority host self-defense classes or yoga workshops to pass along safety skills and nurture the body, mind, and soul. Partner with local instructors to offer various classes for fellow female students, teachers, and parents throughout the week. Charge an admission fee and host the class at your sorority house or the gymnasium at your school. Instructors may donate their time for an opportunity to introduce their studio to the university and hopefully recruit new students. Your sorority will benefit from the money raised through admission fees and the satisfaction of helping women on campus learn valuable skills and experiences. Promote the event through women’s organizations, in the school paper and website, through email blasts, and on Social Media.

Sorority Walk-a-thon and Fun Run Events

How about hosting a walk-a-thon through campus? Not only will each sorority member have their family, friends and personal networks to contact for donations, but the sorority can send out donation and sponsorship request letters to alumni and local businesses. Creating a walk-a-thon website allows your organization to easily manage your event registrations and solicit funds more widely. Local businesses (especially those catering to women) may be willing to sponsor your sorority walk-a-thon to gain awareness with the campus community and contribute to your cause.

DoJiggy is the Industry-Leading Walk-a-thon Software Provider

Sorority fundraising websites

A walk-a-thon event is a great time for friends, parents, alumni, students, and community members to join together for a good cause while stretching their legs and raising their heart rate. Many organizations are even successfully hosting virtual walkathons when social distancing is needed.

Don’t forget to consider other fundraising initiatives in conjunction with your walk-a-thon. Offering a fundraising raffle as part of the post-walkathon celebration can bring in additional dollars for your cause. Partner with a local health food store to bring in granola bars and energy drinks to sell for even more revenue.

See all of our walkathon fundraiser planning resources here.

Fundraising Color Runs

Greek fundraising campaigns have great fundraising success with Color Run Fundraisers. Color runs are 5K or shorter distance runs where participants are doused in colorful powdered Sorority Fundraising with color runspaint. Get a fraternity to join in the fun and fundraising with this one! Splashes of vivacious hues of color powders being thrown throughout a Fun Run is just one of the magical ingredients that make a color run fundraiser successful and fun. Add an after-party at the house to bring the community together and offer event sponsors an opportunity to showcase their products and offer samples.

Community Workshops

What other types of services can your sorority provide to the local community? Consider the mission of your sorority and the skills of your sisters. If your sorority focuses on professional development and business skills, consider offering a workshop that teaches study skills. Or maybe you want to offer private tutoring sessions or bring in a guest speaker to discuss entrepreneurship? Talk with university faculty to see if a room or auditorium can be borrowed for a few hours every Saturday to host resume-building workshops. Have sorority members or volunteers from the local business community be available to help students build a great resume and cover letter and possibly even talk about developing skills for interviewing. These workshops don’t need to be educational either; some people are interested in learning a new hobby. Find out what interests your members and consider hosting a hobby day where sorority sisters teach knitting, baking, photography, and other skills.


Girls’ Summer Camps

Some sorority sisters continue to live in the sorority house during the summer, while many head home to spend the summer with their families. Why not take advantage of the extra space in your sorority home and offer a summer camp for younger girls? You likely want to target girls a little older (5+) so you don’t have to worry about nap time and diapers. Since children over five are already in school, parents often look for summer activities for them to attend. Parents may consider your camp as a fun alternative for their kids to regular daycare or paying a nanny. Charge an entrance fee for your summer camp and advertise with local schools, Boys and Girls Clubs, and around town. It doesn’t really matter what activities you host for attendees as long as you have fun and teach the girls new things (singing new songs, learning new games, or learning how to make breakfast for their parents).

At the close of camp, do something so the girls feel special. Make them honorary “junior members” of the society, or reward them with a special medal or framed photo to congratulate them for their achievements. They will love being part of a special grown-up club and enjoy learning from people they admire.

Community Service Projects Sponsored by Crowdfunding

community service projects are great sister eventsService to the community while raising money for your sorority makes this a special fundraising opportunity. Organize groups committed to a service area: pre-school care, park or beach clean-up, help for elderly homeowners, or feeding the hungry. For the weeks leading up to the serve-a-thon fundraiser, participants solicit online and mobile donations for their efforts in support of the cause. Top fundraisers and groups are recognized and rewarded with prizes. Serve-a-thon fundraising events are a perfect method to help the community you serve and raise awareness of your mission.

Sorority Fundraising Sales

If a fundraising event isn’t the right answer for your sorority right now, consider selling something to raise the dollars you need. Sororities can sell branded school and sorority merchandise online or at university events. Or perhaps sell items with your sorority motto or crest to family members and other supporters, such as sorority shirts, sweatshirts, bumper stickers, hats, or blankets (perfect for cold football games). A table can be set up at any university event to sell these items, or you can set up an eCommerce store and sell them online. Our Simple Stores provide peer-to-peer fundraising sales, allowing your sorority to track fundraising sales by members.

Start an Online Store

Toilet Paper & Necessities Sales

In college, it seems pretty standard for students to run out of the bare necessities. Try selling one of life’s necessities to raise money for your cause. Your group buys a truckload of toilet paper at wholesale prices and then resells rolls of paper to other groups. This is absolutely something people need! And, it makes sense TO approach groups (perhaps dorms and/or other sorority houses) that have a lot of people living there and always need to keep toilet paper stocked. Keep some extra on hand and offer individual packs for sale in high-traffic areas. What better way to avoid a trip to the store if you can pick up a needed roll on your way home from class? Use funny slogans and stickers to promote your cause, such as “Help wipe out hunger!”

Don’t forget to consider fundraising discount cards or books. These are great items to offer current students who are conscious of their spending. These cards are typically sold for $10 – $20 each and offer numerous savings on or around campus at local restaurants, bookstores, and more.

Wristband Fundraisers

Budget-conscious college students may not want to purchase something that costs much more than their lunch. So offering affordable options is a great idea. Colorful silicone bracelets can be imprinted with your group’s message and easily sold after classes, during lunch, or at campus events (just fill up your backpack whenever you are out). You can make a 50% profit by selling the bands for only $2.00. Many students have a couple of bucks in their pockets, and once they purchase, they can show off their support by wearing the wristband. The Lance Armstrong Foundation has raised more than $100 million for cancer research with the Live Strong wristband campaign.

DoJiggy Powers Free Fundraising Software for Sorority Fundraising Events.



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