Category: Merchant Services & Online Payments

PayPal Nonprofit Fees: How Much Does PayPal Take From Donations?

PayPal Nonprofit Fees: How Much Does PayPal Take From Donations?
Understanding the payment fee structure is crucial when choosing a payment processor for your nonprofit. PayPal nonprofit fees are a significant consideration for any organization seeking to maximize donations. This article explores the fees associated with PayPal, how they compare to Stripe, and the payment gateways supported by DoJiggy. Let’s begin! What is PayPal? PayPal… Read More »

Nonprofit Website Security: Strategies for Success

Nonprofit Website Security: Strategies for Success
When you think of online fraud and cybersecurity breaches, your nonprofit website is probably not the first target that comes to mind. However, nonprofit organizations typically store a lot of data that can be at risk for security breaches. While donor management and fundraising is a top priority for non-profit organizations, another important priority that… Read More »

Introducing DoJiggy Payments

Introducing DoJiggy Payments
Need payment processing for your fundraising event, but not interested in a full merchant account and monthly fees? Tired of using PayPal and dealing with PayPal Pending orders? Need payment processing for your fundraising event, but not interested in a full merchant account and monthly fees? Tired of using PayPal and dealing with PayPal Pending… Read More »

Credit Card Fees Explained

Credit Card Fees Explained
If you are signing up for a merchant account, one of your primary considerations is going to be understanding credit card processing fees and pricing structures. There are two main fee classifications for merchant accounts: Tiered Pricing & Interchange Plus Pricing. What is Tiered Pricing? Tiered pricing is the most common, though not generally considered… Read More »

Credit Card Security for Processing Electronic Payments

Credit Card Security for Processing Electronic Payments
Many non-profit organizations and companies process payments, donations, and sales transactions via a merchant services account. If credit card processing is part of your business practice, than your business must be PCI Compliant. This means your business follows certain credit card security requirements set forth by the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)… Read More »