Author: Sarah Bender

Raffle Laws in Canadian Provinces and Territories

Raffle Laws in Canadian Provinces and Territories
Conducting a raffle is a fantastic way to fundraise for your organization. However, Canada’s legal landscape for raffles is as diverse as its provinces and territories. Similar to our comprehensive guide on U.S. Raffle Laws by State, this article aims to shed light on the intricacies of Canadian raffle regulations. At DoJiggy, we understand the importance… Read More »

How to Start a Nonprofit with No Money

How to Start a Nonprofit with No Money
Starting a nonprofit organization can be as daunting as it is inspiring, especially when funds are scarce. But with determination and strategic planning, your passion project can take off without a financial launching pad. In this blog, we’ll explain how you can harness the power of fundraising on a small budget, particularly with DoJiggy’s fundraising… Read More »

Create Winning Fundraising Raffle Flyers

Create Winning Fundraising Raffle Flyers
At DoJiggy Custom Print, we want to be your go-to destination for high-quality, customizable raffle flyers to elevate your fundraisers.  Discover a hassle-free customization experience with our extensive collection of easy-to-use raffle flyer templates. Our templates come pre-loaded with compelling imagery, eliminating the need for design work. You only need to input essential details like the… Read More »

Unlocking the Power of Nonprofit Collaboration

Unlocking the Power of Nonprofit Collaboration
The notion that two heads are better than one couldn’t be more appropriate when discussing nonprofit collaboration. Nonprofit collaboration encourages organizations to come together and leverage each other’s strengths to make a greater difference. Partnering with nonprofits is commonplace and advantageous for everyone involved.  By working together, nonprofits can extend their reach, pool resources, and… Read More »

The Ultimate Guide to Sales Fundraisers

The Ultimate Guide to Sales Fundraisers
Selling charity merchandise can be a powerful way to raise money while making a positive impact on your community. Follow the strategies in this guide to ensure your organization is selling appropriate merchandise (from chocolate bars to school spirit wear) and that your sales are successful. By leveraging the power of a free online store… Read More »

Political Fundraising Ideas to Raise Money for Your Campaign

Political Fundraising Ideas to Raise Money for Your Campaign
As a political candidate or organization, fundraising is a year-round effort and one of the most critical elements of your campaign. Without adequate funds, spreading your message and connecting with potential voters can be challenging. Political party fundraising allows individuals to get involved in the political process and support causes they care about. Whether donating… Read More »

501c3 Raffle Rules and Regulations (for US Orgs)

501c3 Raffle Rules and Regulations (for US Orgs)
Hosting an engaging raffle creates excitement that can be very lucrative for organizations. However, organizing a charity raffle isn’t always as simple as picking a prize and selling tickets. In the United States, 501c3 raffle rules and the varying charity raffle laws by state and locality demand careful attention. This guide will help organizations untangle… Read More »

Understanding the 4 Types of Crowdfunding

Understanding the 4 Types of Crowdfunding
Imagine a world where your nonprofit’s vision touches the hearts of millions, inspiring them to reach into their wallets and bring your projects to life. Nonprofit crowdfunding does just this, raising funds for a wide range of projects, causes, and business ventures. So, what are the different types of crowdfunding, and how does peer-to-peer fundraising… Read More »

Benefits of Peer-to-Peer Fundraising [+ Disadvantages]

Benefits of Peer-to-Peer Fundraising [+ Disadvantages]
Peer-to-peer fundraising, often called P2P or social fundraising, has taken the fundraising world by storm in recent years. Its success lies in this fundraising approach, leveraging the power of social networks and community connections to raise funds and spread awareness for charitable causes. In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits and disadvantages of peer-to-peer fundraising,… Read More »

Best Silent Auction Ideas for Churches

Best Silent Auction Ideas for Churches
Charity auctions are becoming increasingly popular for churches to raise funds for projects, missions, and events. They’re not only a great way to bring the community together, but they can also generate significant revenue. However, planning a successful silent auction can be challenging, especially when coming up with desirable auction items and unique ideas.  In… Read More »

How Do You Make The Most Money on a Silent Auction?

How Do You Make The Most Money on a Silent Auction?
Silent auctions are becoming an increasingly popular way to raise funds for nonprofits, schools, and other charitable organizations. While they may seem simple, planning a successful and lucrative silent auction requires careful consideration and strategy. So, to get you started, we’ll share our top tips for making the most money on a silent auction, from… Read More »

What School Fundraisers Make the Most Money?

What School Fundraisers Make the Most Money?
Fundraising is an essential part of almost every school’s success. Whether you are fundraising for a new playground, a school trip, or educational materials, the right fundraiser can make a significant difference in achieving your goals. While it may seem daunting to choose the right fundraiser, with the right strategies and planning, you can maximize… Read More »

Top 7 Nonprofit Fundraising Trends for 2023

Top 7 Nonprofit Fundraising Trends for 2023
What’s one of the most important things to consider in your fundraising efforts? The answer is simple: the current trends. The world is constantly changing, and so are fundraising trends. By keeping ahead of these trends, your nonprofit will benefit from boosting awareness of your mission, attracting more donors, and expanding capacity.  So, let’s start… Read More »

The Power of Nonprofit Diversity and Inclusion

The Power of Nonprofit Diversity and Inclusion
Nonprofits with a diverse staff, Board of Directors, donor, and volunteer base tend to be more successful than groups that are mostly alike. Nonprofit diversity brings fresh experiences and lends creativity and innovation to thought in nonprofit programs. While working with diverse board members and staff may be uncomfortable at times, the benefits outweigh the… Read More »