Author: Nico Caceres

Master Nonprofit Financial Statements

Master Nonprofit Financial Statements
For nonprofit organizations, financial transparency is not just a regulatory requirement—it’s a cornerstone of trust and efficiency. Effective financial management helps nonprofits demonstrate their commitment to their mission and builds confidence among donors, grantmakers, and other stakeholders. The best way to do this? Through accurate nonprofit financial statements. In this comprehensive guide, we explore the… Read More »

Nonprofit Donations on Facebook: How-To Guide with Alternatives

Nonprofit Donations on Facebook: How-To Guide with Alternatives
Wondering how to effectively request donations for your nonprofit on Facebook? Social media is essential for nonprofits to connect with their community, raise awareness, and boost fundraising activities. With its massive user base of over 3 billion people worldwide, Facebook stands out as a particularly powerful platform for these efforts. However, maximizing Facebook for fundraising requires… Read More »

PTA vs PTO vs PACs: What Are They and How Do They Differ?

PTA vs PTO vs PACs: What Are They and How Do They Differ?
PTAs, PTOs, and PACs Power School Fundraising Campaigns with DoJiggy Parent and teacher organizations play a pivotal role in supporting schools through various initiatives, with fundraising being a primary focus. Although similar in many respects, these groups, including the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA), Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO), and Parent Advisory Councils (PAC), hold distinct identities and operational… Read More »

25 Best Virtual Fundraising Ideas for Nonprofits [Summer 2024]

25 Best Virtual Fundraising Ideas for Nonprofits [Summer 2024]
Virtual and hybrid events continue to be a cornerstone of successful nonprofit fundraising. Organizations can leverage powerful virtual fundraising platforms, like DoJiggy, to host engaging and purpose-driven events. Whether it’s a virtual gala, auction, or charity run, nonprofits can create immersive experiences that capture the attention and support of a global audience online. This comprehensive… Read More »

How Can Nonprofits Use AI in Fundraising (and Beyond)? 

How Can Nonprofits Use AI in Fundraising (and Beyond)? 
In an era where technology increasingly intersects with every aspect of our lives, the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to transform various sectors isn’t just science fiction anymore–it’s reality. Within the nonprofit realm, AI is emerging as a groundbreaking tool poised to revolutionize traditional fundraising strategies. The issue for most nonprofits looking to be early… Read More »

What Are the 5 Ps of Event Planning? [The 5 P Event Framework]

What Are the 5 Ps of Event Planning? [The 5 P Event Framework]
The organization and execution of successful events, whether they involve traditional fundraising, event ticket sales, or peer-to-peer fundraising, is often complex and challenging. To simplify this intricate process, the “5 Ps of Event Planning”—Product, Price, Place, Promotion, and People—serve as a foundational framework to guide event planners through event development and execution.  Luckily, DoJiggy makes… Read More »

The Power of Photo Fundraisers

The Power of Photo Fundraisers
Photo fundraisers are stepping into the limelight as a dynamic and engaging way to support worthy causes. Whether you’re a nonprofit, school, or community group, hosting a photography fundraiser can be a fun and creative way to generate revenue. So, let’s dive into what a photo fundraiser is, some unique and creative photo fundraiser ideas,… Read More »

Getting Started with DoJiggy

Getting Started with DoJiggy
Ready to get started building a great fundraising experience? Use these resources to build a powerful fundraising campaign.  Our Getting Started Guides We make it easy for you to get up and running quickly with these step-by-step guides. Knowledge Base Articles For more complete support and troubleshooting, see the KBs below. The DoJiggy Knowledge Base… Read More »

How Do Charity Golf Tournaments Make Money?

How Do Charity Golf Tournaments Make Money?
Charity golf tournaments can be one of the most lucrative fundraising events. These tournaments bring golfers, sponsors, and donors together to support charitable organizations while enjoying a day outdoors. But how do you make these events profitable? Organizations raise money via golfer and foursome registration and sponsorship sales but golf tournament coordinators know that understanding… Read More »

Nonprofit Marketing: 4 Ways to Keep Supporters Engaged

Nonprofit Marketing: 4 Ways to Keep Supporters Engaged
Supporter engagement is a nonprofit’s bread and butter. Without supporters who want to get involved, mission-driven organizations wouldn’t have anyone donating, volunteering, or advocating for their causes. Engaged supporters also spread the word about your nonprofit to their social networks, expanding your reach and boosting fundraising success. However, many nonprofits see low engagement rates, and… Read More »