DoJiggy Blog

7 Best Fundraising Platforms for Schools and PTOs [2024-25 Year]

7 Best Fundraising Platforms for Schools and PTOs [2024-25 Year]
From supporting extracurricular activities to funding classroom projects, school fundraising is necessary to ensure that schools can provide the best possible education for their students. But as any school fundraiser knows, collecting and managing donations can be time-consuming and overwhelming. That’s where comprehensive school fundraising software comes in. With so many fundraising platforms available, it… Read More »

Nonprofit Marketing: 4 Ways to Keep Supporters Engaged

Nonprofit Marketing: 4 Ways to Keep Supporters Engaged
Supporter engagement is a nonprofit’s bread and butter. Without supporters who want to get involved, mission-driven organizations wouldn’t have anyone donating, volunteering, or advocating for their causes. Engaged supporters also spread the word about your nonprofit to their social networks, expanding your reach and boosting fundraising success. However, many nonprofits see low engagement rates, and… Read More »

Top 7 Nonprofit Fundraising Trends for 2023

Top 7 Nonprofit Fundraising Trends for 2023
What’s one of the most important things to consider in your fundraising efforts? The answer is simple: the current trends. The world is constantly changing, and so are fundraising trends. By keeping ahead of these trends, your nonprofit will benefit from boosting awareness of your mission, attracting more donors, and expanding capacity.  So, let’s start… Read More »

The Power of Nonprofit Diversity and Inclusion

The Power of Nonprofit Diversity and Inclusion
Nonprofits with a diverse staff, Board of Directors, donor, and volunteer base tend to be more successful than groups that are mostly alike. Nonprofit diversity brings fresh experiences and lends creativity and innovation to thought in nonprofit programs. While working with diverse board members and staff may be uncomfortable at times, the benefits outweigh the… Read More »

Everything Nonprofits Need to Know about Board Fundraising

Everything Nonprofits Need to Know about Board Fundraising
Nonprofit board members manage various responsibilities, including setting standards, governing, and fundraising for your organization. Now more than ever, nonprofit boards need to ensure they can continue funding the causes they care so much about with strong fundraising practices.  Supporting, educating, and engaging your nonprofit board is vital to optimize efforts and drive fundraising success.… Read More »

8 Tips for Motivating P2P Donors to Give

8 Tips for Motivating P2P Donors to Give
You’re always looking for new ways to attract donors as a nonprofit. One sure way is through peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns. Peer-to-peer fundraising has become a popular way for people to donate to and advocate for the nonprofits they care about. But how can you motivate your donors to give more? This blog will provide tips… Read More »

5 Top Data Enhancement Services Your Nonprofit Needs

5 Top Data Enhancement Services Your Nonprofit Needs
Gone are the days when data marketing was just for big corporations. Today, data enhancement is more accessible to more organizations than ever before, and nonprofits are jumping in. In fact, nonprofits can significantly benefit from investing in robust and accurate constituent data. You’re likely already collecting data directly from your donors, volunteers, or clients… Read More »

7+ Spooky Fun Halloween Fundraising Ideas for Schools

7+ Spooky Fun Halloween Fundraising Ideas for Schools
Halloween provides a perfect opportunity to plan a school fundraiser since many young people embrace the fun, scary activities that come with Halloween. Yet, Halloween seems to sneak up on us every year, with all of the other back-to-school activities and year-end giving campaigns.  Here are some fun Halloween-themed fundraisers to raise money for your school while… Read More »

Homecoming Fundraising Ideas

Homecoming Fundraising Ideas
Fall is a great time to launch a school fundraiser with exciting Homecoming activities and everyone geared up with school spirit.  Students are happy to reunite with friends, fall sports are kicking off their season, and the excitement is building for upcoming Homecoming festivities.  Why not take advantage of the festive homecoming spirit and raise… Read More »

4 Ways Online Waivers Keep Your Mission Safe

4 Ways Online Waivers Keep Your Mission Safe
Fundraising events are a direct reflection of your brand. Nonprofits are constantly reassessing their strategies and resources to ensure their events effectively represent their mission and identity, engage donors, and reach the right audiences. However, an important fundraising and event tool that your nonprofit might have overlooked is liability protection. In addition to communicating your… Read More »