Category: Fundraising Ideas and Tips

What Your University’s Website Design Says to Major Donors

What Your University’s Website Design Says to Major Donors
Your major donors provide your university with invaluable support, enabling you to enhance your academics and improve your campus all around. To create highly effective major donation appeals, relationships with your major donors must be slowly built over time through a series of one-on-one interactions. Outside of these conversations, your major donors undoubtedly research your… Read More »

Best Custom-Printed Merchandise for Fundraising

Best Custom-Printed Merchandise for Fundraising
Custom-printed merchandise can help raise funds, boost awareness, and improve visibility for your nonprofit or charity. By providing eye-catching personalized printed products for sale, you can capture supporters’ attention and ensure that your cause is at the forefront of people’s minds. But what are the best custom-printed items for your organization? Read on to find… Read More »

The 20+ Best Girl Scout and Boy Scout Fundraising Ideas

The 20+ Best Girl Scout and Boy Scout Fundraising Ideas
Scouting aims to prepare young people to achieve their full potential, become responsible citizens, and contribute to their communities. Scout fundraising (for Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts) plays an important role in achieving this. Successful fundraising ideas assist the community, build character, and teach participants new skills. Scout fundraising should be planned, produced, and performed… Read More »

Best Rotary Fundraising Ideas

Best Rotary Fundraising Ideas
Rotary International is one of the premier service organizations worldwide, with 1.2 million members and over 35,000 Rotarian clubs worldwide. The mission of Rotary International is to ‘provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.’ Fundraising for these causes is often… Read More »

How to Host a Livestream Virtual Fundraising Campaign

How to Host a Livestream Virtual Fundraising Campaign
Live streaming or (livestreaming) refers to online video streaming simultaneously recorded and broadcast in real-time. Live streaming gained popularity with nonprofits during COVID-19 as a means of hosting or enhancing virtual fundraising campaigns. If your organization is looking for new and innovative ways of reaching your supporters and fundraising online, you should look into live-stream… Read More »

The 20+ Best Cheerleading Fundraisers for Your Squad

The 20+ Best Cheerleading Fundraisers for Your Squad
Whether it’s cheering for their school’s football, basketball, or other teams, it’s no secret that great cheerleaders are just what every school needs to rally school spirit. Many cheer and dance squads also participate in cheerleading competitions that require travel and expensive uniforms. Since items like cheerleading uniforms, props and supplies, training, travel for competition,… Read More »

Planning a Bowl-a-thon Fundraiser

Planning a Bowl-a-thon Fundraiser
Hosting a bowl-a-thon fundraiser is a unique fundraising idea that is plenty of fun for all those involved. Similar to walk-a-thons, a bowl-a-thon incorporates nonprofit crowdfunding to scale your fundraising efforts. Your organization benefits as bowlers create fundraising teams and compete to raise the most money for your cause. Benefits of Bowl-a-thon Fundraisers Bowl-a-thons make… Read More »